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Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews


The Importance of Proper Tire Pressure

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Maintaining the action of your tires is important for all-embracing agent performance, longevity, and for insurance reasons. If your tires abatement into disrepair, not alone will it affect added apparatus of your vehicle, but it may affect your Internet safety. One way to assure that your tires break into top appearance is to accumulate your tires aggrandized to able levels.

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Tire burden is the best recommended acceptable bulk of air that should be in your tires, Affecting how abundant weight you agent can backpack and how it performs overall. annoy burden is abstinent in PSI, or pounds per aboveboard inch. Each annoy has a PSI altitude printed on its side. However, this cardinal is the best air the bulk of annoy can hold, not the able aggrandizement for your tires. Tiresare bogus to fit to cardinal of altered vehicles, and appropriately the actual burden for your tires may be altered than that of Ellen's car with the aforementioned tires. That cardinal can be begin in your agent advice book or on the agent advice placard, assuredly adhered to the bend of the agent's door, the block lid, or central the cuff compartment.

You should analysis the burden in your tires already for ages with a burden gauge. annoy burden cannot be Accurately estimated visually, back both under-inflated tires can arise and overinflated properly-inflated. Even if you anticipate your tires are inflated, your tires appropriately boring lose air over time and can additionally aback lose air over bumps and obstacles in the road. Therefore, it is important accomplish acceptedpower on your tires to accumulated them in top condition.

You should consistently analysis the burden in your tires back they are cold, acceptation that they accept not been apprenticed on for at atomic three hours. During driving, tires calefaction up and the air central expands, accordingly giving an bare burden reading. If you accept been active and your annoy is low, you should still ample it to the recommended PSI on your agent advice placard, admitting the actuality that it is balmy from driving. Although still under-inflated, it is safer to drive with a annoy that is hardly low rather than decidedly low. Remember to amend your burden at the end of your cruise and aerated your tires to their able levels.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

The Importance of Proper Tire Pressure
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FAQ on Modifying the Toyota Supra

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What does BPU(TM) stand for? (BPU(TM) is a trademark of

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Basic Performance Upgrades. These modifications are: A full length three inch down-pipe (with or with-out high flow cats), 3" (75mm) or bigger cat-back exhaust system, raised boost (18psi), and the required boost cut eliminator (GReddy BCC) needed to achieve that boost without activating the factory fuel cut-off at 14-15psi. These are the modifications that have proven to provide the best HP-to-$$$ ratio.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

What does the + mean when someone says BPU(TM)+? And what is APU?

FAQ on Modifying the Toyota Supra

That stands for any additional power producing modifications other than the basic BPU(TM) modifications. One "+" refers to Adj. Cam Gears and under-drive pulleys, the second "+" refers to a Fuel controller, ECU upgrade, etc. For instance, a Supra with the BPU(TM) modifications, plus a front-mount intercooler, would be called BPU(TM)+. If you added cam gears to that, it would be BPU(TM)++, and so on. The "BPU(TM)" term is used until you have an upgraded turbo(s). Then it is referred to as APU, advanced performance upgrades. This designation pretty much covers every modification that can be performed.

What are the first engine modifications I should perform?

I recommend starting with raising the boost of the stock turbos to roughly 18psi. This will require a quality boost gauge and a boost cut eliminator (GReddy BCC). You will achieve 15 or so PSI with the stock Down Pipe in place. This will provide an addition of approximately 30rwhp. After those modifications are completed, it would be a logical next step to install the Down Pipe and Cat-Back Exhaust at the same time. You will now be at full BPU(TM).

What do all the various "Free Mods" do?

There are many different "free mods" for the Supra TT. I will cover just a few of them here. The ones I will cover fall into three categories, boost control, EGR disabling, and TTC or True Twin Conversion.

Three of the boost control mods are: Bleeder-T Mod, Clamp Mod, and the VSV Bypass Mod. Each of these modifications raise boost levels without the use of a boost controller. But you have to keep a close eye on your boost gauge, and make sure they are not allowing the turbos to boost too high (18psi is a safe level).

The next mods, are the true twin conversion mods (or TTC). This modification disables the Sequential twin turbo operation, and causes the turbos to run constantly in parallel (both on at the same time). This is supposed to allow for slightly better mid-range power (before the secondary turbo would normally come online) and allows for a smoother power band, without the abrupt boost increase caused by the transition from primary to secondary operation. However, this does noticeably decrease low-end power, and increases exhaust noise levels, and therefore may not be desirable on the street. Two types of the TTC mod are, the traditional TTC mod which includes 2 methods, wiring the actuators, or installing a one way valve, and the Electronic TTC mod (ETTC).

The last mod I will discuss is the EGR mod. This disables the Exhaust Gas Recirculation system, which is meant for emissions, and therefore, this modification is for off-road use only. This mod is supposed to prevent the super heating of the number 5 and 6 cylinders, which may cause burnt valves.

How much power will my car make at BPU(TM)?

It varies from car-to-car, and the conditions as well as tuning. Most BPU(TM)-only Supra Twin Turbos, dyno between 370 and 410 horsepower at the rear wheels. This is usually achieved with moderate temperatures, a reset ECU (to erase anything bad the ECU may have learned), and often a little bit of high-octane un-leaded race fuel. On the street, power will be reduced, especially in poor weather, but at least 90 percent of the power should be retained.

What kind of 1/4 mile ETs and trap speeds should I run at BPU(TM)-only?

It varies WIDELY depending on driver skill. As well as track conditions, elevation above sea level, ambient temperatures, humidity, and pre-race preparation. But most fall between 12.3 to 12.9 ets with 112 to 119mph trap speeds on street tires. Times can drop well into the 11s with drag radials, a good driver, and good conditions, as well as proper pre-race preparation.

What is a BPU(TM)'d Supra TT's top speed?

Speeds in the mid-high 180mph range should be achievable. Once the speed-limiter is disabled, by pulling the "TRAC" fuse of course.

Will the life of my Engine and Drivetrain be adversely affected with the BPU(TM) mods?

Yes, but not by a significant amount. If the car is maintained properly, and the car is treated with some respect for the components, you should maintain much of the power train's life. Which considering the fact that the Supra is by far one of the most reliable and durable sports cars, it will last longer than most well maintained STOCK sports cars. The only Drivetrain components that will see a significantly shortened life will be the stock clutch. It will more than likely not last much longer than 8-10k miles once at BPU(TM). This especially holds true if the car is making repeated high speed runs using 5th and 6th gear at wide open throttle. If your stock clutch has high mileage on it, or is already starting to slip, you will need to plan on a new high-performance clutch. Also the stock turbos will be subject to a somewhat shortened life span (how short will depend on how you drive and maintain the car, as well as how much boost you will run)

What's the reliability of a 600hp Supra Turbo?

Chassis, electrical, and suspension components should see little effect on reliability on street driven Supras. The stock 2JZ-GTE engine should hold up pretty well to this power level. Just how long depends on maintenance, and how hard you drive it, and how often. But typically Supras can go for years at this power level. The transmission reliability will depend on whether it's an Automatic or Manual. A stock automatic will not hold this much power, a built transmission will be required, and it's reliability will depend on it's design and construction. The 6spd Manual should hold up just fine, as well as the rear differential and axles.

The only real reliability concerns at these low power levels would surround the actual modifications you perform. Excluding installation short-comings, the components utilized, even very high quality ones, may fall short of factory component reliability, as the built in compromises that exist in everything, would lean more towards the side of ultimate performance, than of ultimate reliability (Keep in mind we are talking about a Toyota here, whose reliabilty standards are exceptionally high) This may include fuel system components, turbo components, and especialy electronic wizardry. Basically a set-up that is either VERY well concieved, or utilizes OE components as much as possible, without over burdening them, would posses *near* stock reliability. And tuning of the components, and component selection, and matching, would play a HUGE role in this.

What are the power limits of the various factory components (Differential, Transmission, Motor, etc.)?

There have really not been enough failures to really pin point a limit for the various power-train components. The motor could fail at factory power levels if it was running dangerously lean. But when well tuned, the motors internals (Pistons, Rods, Crank, Head Gasket etc) are reliable to 700rwhp. But of course at these power levels, if the engine is not set-up and tuned properly, it is literally a bomb waiting to go off, however this would be just as true with a built motor. Some owners have pushed their stock internals to the limit and have well exceeded 800rwhp, and even approached 900rwhp. I still don't understand how such an over built motor made it past the bean counters at Toyota Corporate.

The 6-speed Getrag is ridiculously strong for an OE transmission. Its limit's will be affected greatly by driving technique, such as launching, and whether or not power shifting is used. Even driven hard, the Getrag should hold up reasonably well with 700RWHP. If you treat it with some respect, it should be able to handle around 800RWHP or more, although great care and respect will need to be practiced at those levels.

Differential, axle, CV Joint, and drive shaft failures are a VERY rare occurrence. So I don't have much info on their failure limits. On street tires, it would be almost impossible to break any of these components at ANY power level. The tires would spin before they would put the driveline under that kind of strain. The tires act sort of like a circuit breaker. If you run drag slicks, this does not hold true of course, yet they have proven themselves to be 10 and even 9 second capable.

Will drivability, interior noise levels, and low-end power be adversely affected with the BPU(TM) mods?

Drivability is not adversely affected. Interior noise level depends on the exhaust system you choose. Some will make it far louder; some will actually make it quieter. But most are just a little bit louder than stock. But the added dBs are also combined with a MUCH sweeter exhaust note, so it's definitely worth it. And the interior of the Supra is pretty quiet anyway, so on the highway, it will be VERY livable. As far as low-end power goes, the down-pipe will greatly decrease Turbo Lag. So low-end power and response is much improved over stock.

Will emissions be adversely affected by the BPU(TM) mods?

As long as a high-flow cat is used, emissions should not be effected, and you should still pass visual inspection. If you run without catalytic converters, you are doing so at your own risk, and you would not pass visual or emissions testing.

Will fuel mileage be adversely affected by the BPU(TM) mods?

If driven calmly, as in light throttle, mileage should not be significantly affected. Mileage will greatly decrease during however, if you drive "vigorously", more power equals more burned fuel I am afraid.

Should I install an "Intake" (Open Element Filter)?

This is a bit of a yes and no answer. The stock filter assembly is a flow restriction, and an open element intake would increase potential flow. However, it will also draw in more heated engine compartment air, which can hurt performance. My advice is to either modify the stock filter box, or install a cool air induction box, like the Max Air. An added bonus of the open element filters, is that they allow you to easily hear the primary turbo and by-pass valve.

What about the stock intercooler?

The stock intercooler does a decent job up till about 17psi on the stock turbos, after that you would probably notice a significant gain, especially in warmer temperatures, with a nice front mount intercooler. However, keep in mind it will block some of the airflow to the radiator, as well as decreasing response slightly.

Should I replace the factory rubber Intercooler hoses with aftermarket metal hoses?

It wouldn't hurt. But it won't help a lot either. At the most you may slightly increase throttle response, but at least it will look nicer.

What about the fuel system, are the stock injectors and fuel pump large enough for BPU(TM)?

Yes, the stock fuel system is very safe and reliable to 450RWHP, although I would recommend a fuel pulsation damper bypass. Anything over that, and I would highly recommend having the car dyno'd, and using a wide-band O2 sensor (not a cheap A/F gauge connected to the stock O2) to check the fuel ratio at your high boost setting. 11.5:1 would be a safe fuel ratio.

What are the stock injectors rated at?


Would the Supra benefit from a fuel controller?

BPU(TM)'d Supras run a little on the rich side as far as fuel ratios go. This hurts power. What it does do is provide a safety margin that makes engine damage through detonation unlikely. If you get a fuel controller, and tune it properly (on a dyno, with an accurate EGT gauge, and a high band O2 (The Stock O2 sensors are not accurate), then you should be able to gain a noticeable amount of power. One of the most popular electronic fuel controllers is the A'PEXi S-AFC. The Fields SFC is good too.

What should I use to increase my boost level, an Electronic Boost Controller, or a Manual BC?

Using an EBC is the safest way to raise boost, it will prevent spiking and over-boosting. But it really comes down to your budget. If you can afford an EBC, get one. If you can't, go with a MBC. And always keep an eye on that boost gauge. And whatever you are using to control boost, remember to not get carried away, I don't recommend going regularly over 18psi.

What is the best Electronic Boost Controller?

There really is no BEST. Although the A'PEXi AVC-R is a nice unit, it provides much more control over boost than other EBCs, but it is also more complex to install, and tune. The new Blitz unit is also nice. Most of the large manufacturers make decent units. Just avoid fuzzy-logic equipped models if you still have the sequential stock turbos, they will become "confused" by the unnatural behavior of the sequential system.

When installing my EBC, do I connect it to both of the Turbo's Wastegates?

The Primary Turbo is the only one with a wastegate. When in full twin turbo mode, the boost of both Turbos is regulated by the primary turbo's wastegate. So, only connect it to the Primary's.

Some people say I need to replace my ECU with a reprogrammed one, instead of just using a boost controller. Do I?

Reprogrammed ECUs for the Supra TT are VERY $$$. They are in the 00 range. And they have not been proven to provide a significant increase in performance or safety on BPU(TM) level cars. Their merit shows itself on cars with upgraded Turbo(s). Just be sure you buy your ECU, or have it reprogrammed by a reputable shop that knows what they are doing. And have it tailored to your particular car (Driving habits, and Mods). And I would also recommend taking a look at the AEM Programmable system.

What is a safe boost level to run at BPU(TM)?

The general consensus is 17-18psi. Some people have taken it higher, but I don't recommend it if you don't have the money for a turbo replacement/upgrade.

Which Down-Pipe is recommended?

The RMM (or Rod Millen Motorsports) Cat-less Downpipe is the most commonly used. However many other brands exist. Some down-pipes, such as the Random Technology DP, feature an emissions legal high-flow catalytic converter.

Will a high-flow cat hurt performance?

It will have some effect on power output, but not a lot. Its exact effect on HP is not clear, but it probably costs a few hp at the most, maybe 5-15hp at BPU(TM) power levels.

What is a Down-Pipe?

It is the section of the exhaust system that connects the outlet of the Turbocharger's Turbine section to the "Cat-Back" exhaust system. The Downpipe is also where the two catalytic converters are located, as well as the O2 sensor (or sensors in OBD-II cars).

I have an OBD2 car. Can I still install a Down-Pipe?

Yes. But unless the DP has a Catalyst and a second location for an O2 sensor, you will trip your check engine light, unless you get one of those O2 "black boxes".

Which Exhausts are the loudest?

The Tanabe Racing Medallion, and HKS Hiper Titanium seem to be the two loudest systems.

Which Exhausts are the quietest?

The Tanabe Hyper Medallion, the discontinued Tanabe G-Power Medallion and the GReddy (SP) Street Performance seem to be the quietest. At anything less than full throttle, they are no louder than stock. But at full throttle they seem to "wake up" a bit.

What are some recommended exhaust systems?

It depends on your personal preferences. Below I will break down some of my recommendations based on certain combinations of preferences.

Subtle Styling / Very Low Cost:

-Random Technology (75mm, full stainless steel)

Subtle Styling / Low Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-GReddy Street Performance (80mm)

-Tanabe Super Hyper Medallion (80mm, full stainless steel, 50-state legal)

Subtle Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-ATR (75mm, full stainless steel)

Tasteful Styling / Low-Moderate Sound Level / Low Cost:

-HKS Dragger II (85mm)

Tasteful Styling / Low-Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-GReddy Power Extreme (80-94mm)

-HKS Super Dragger (95mm)

Tasteful Appearance / Moderate Sound Level / High Cost / Super Light:

-Veilside Tear Drop Titanium (90mm, full titanium)

Tasteful-Wild Styling / Low Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-TRD 2nd gen.

Wild Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Low Cost:

-A'PEXi N1

-HKS Hiper (75mm)

Wild Styling / Moderate Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-A'PEXi GT Spec (95mm, full stainless steel)

-Blitz NUR Spec (80mm, full stainless steel)

-HKS Hiper Carbon/Titanium (75mm, CF wrapped muffler, titanium tip)

Wild Styling / High Sound Level / Moderate Cost:

-Tanabe Racing Medallion (80mm, 50 state legal)

Wild Styling / High Sound Level / High Cost / High Flow:

-HKS Hiper Titanium (104mm, titanium muffler)

What is the cheapest route to replacing the DP and Cat-Back?

Have a custom performance exhaust shop fabricate a complete 3" exhaust system (Turbo-to-Tip). It should cost well less that 0. And then you can use the muffler and exhaust tip of your choice.

Which Fuel Cut Eliminator is recommended?

The GReddy BCC (Boost Cut Controller) is highly recommended.

What does the Fuel Cut Eliminator do?

The factory ECU is programmed to activate a fuel cut if the manifold pressure exceeds 14-15psi. It does this as a safety measure to prevent what the ECU sees as over boosting. The Fuel Cut Eliminator effectively eliminates, or at least raises the cut to a higher pressure. A reprogrammed ECU can also eliminate this function.

Which boost gauge is recommended?

Any high quality boost gauge will work well. Accuracy is the important feature to look for. Autometer gauges are a good value. The Japanese gauges, A'PEXi, GReddy, HKS, etc., have more features, but at a much higher price.

Where can the boost gauge be installed in the interior?

If you want to mount it in the dash, the two most popular places are the Clock location (which holds a 52mm gauge), and the Air Vent beside it (which holds a 60mm gauge). You can also use an A-Pillar gauge pod.

What is the stock boost pressure?


Are Cam Gears a good modification for the Supra TT?

Yes, they have been shown to provide a 5-15rwhp gain on a BPU(TM)'d car. But to extract their potential, you must have them tuned, by a knowledgeable tuner, on a dyno. And most of the power gains will be seen on the exhaust side. I also recommend buying cam gears which feature 5-bolts.

Are Under Drive Pulley(s) a good modification for the Supra TT?

Most of the crank-shaft under-drive pulleys require the removal of the factory torsional damper.

This is from :"this is NOT an external (harmonic) balancer, as the crankshaft is fully balanced, rather it dampens both the axial twisting couples produced by the firing pulses, and the radial bending moment from the accessory drive belt."

Basically this device provides crutial isolation between the engine driven accessories, and the crankshaft. However, removal of this can provide a 10-15rwhp gain, but at a cost for long term use.

Do I need to upgrade the ignition when upgrading to BPU(TM)?

The stock ignition system is VERY capable of supplying enough fire for a BPU(TM)'d car. The stock ignition system uses 6 large coils, one for each cylinder. So the system is capable of supporting VERY impressive HP levels. You may need to change to a colder range plug with a tighter gap (see below).

What about the spark plugs, which are recommended at BPU(TM) or higher level?

Basically you want similar plugs as stock, but a cooler heat range and a smaller gap. The stock plugs are NGK BKR6EP-11 (2978) and are platinum tipped and have a .044 (1.1mm) gap. The ideal NGK replacement for a modified Supra would be the BKR7E (6097). It is one range cooler (the '7'), is non-platinum tipped (the lack of the 'p') and has a smaller .0315 gap (lack of the '-11'). This plug is also called the NGK 6097 and they are fairly inexpensive. Platinum tipped plugs are not desired for high power applications, Iridium plugs are more prefered. Unfortunately their doesn't seem to be a BKR8E which might be better for high-HP Supras.

Another good plug to try is the Denso Iridium IK22 or IK24. These plugs may last longer than the above mentioned NGKs, but are also 6 times as expensive. The stock replacement plug would be the IK20, the IK22 is one step cooler, and the IK24 is two steps cooler than stock. The IK22 would be good for ~400rwhp to ~600rwhp. The IK24 would probably be a good choice above that. Two other plugs commonly used are the NGK 3330 (BCPR7ES) which differ much more from the specifications of the stock plugs than NGK 6097. Also the Rapid Fire #5 used to be very popular, but are more expensive, don't last as long, and have fallin out of favor. Both of those plugs have been known to cause slight stumbling at idle. Plugs on Supras do not live long, usually around 5,000-10,000 miles. So I recommend replacing them with every other oil change.

What is the HKS VPC and GCC?

It is an electronic device, which electronically and physically removes the highly restrictive mass airflow sensor from the intake tract. VPC stands for Vein Pressure Converter. The HKS GCC is a device that allows further fine-tuning of the VPC.

Do I need an after-market Blow off Valve?

It is not absolutely required, but it is a good idea. The factory by-pass valve is prone to failure, and an aftermarket BOV is probably a wise investment for preventing turbo damaging compressor surge. And it sounds cool too. However, it must be noted that if you still have the factory mass-air flow sensor, a blow-off valve, which is vented to the atmosphere, may cause stumbling between shifts.

Can I run Nitrous Oxide on the Supra TT, even if I am already at BPU(TM) power levels?

Yes. Most people run 50-75 shot wet manifold systems. If you want to run a higher shot than this, you might want to consider a well-designed direct port system. I have seen as much as a 200-shot used on one of these systems, and an upgraded fuel system would be a must.

450hp just isn't enough, what can I do?

Ah the possibilities Basically you are only limited by your imagination, and your wallet. You know what they say, speed costs money, how fast do you want to go?

The real power lies in Single and Twin turbo upgrades, and the options are limitless. You can either build a mild motor that puts out 450 RWHP all day long with instant boost response, or a 1000+ RWHP monster.

Unfortunately, things start getting more difficult after simple BPU(TM) modifications. Modification becomes more than "bolt on Downpipe, gain 50hp". Things like tuning, parts selection, and matching combinations of parts become much more important. However, this is the case with ANY high HP car. Actually, even at exceptionally high power levels, the Supra TT is still easier to extract power from than almost any other performance car. But it should be kept in mind, that it wouldn't be as simple as the BPU(TM) bolt-ons.

If you just want something that will toast that pesky Viper GTS. Then focus on a mild single turbo upgrade (T04S04, T60-1, SP57-SP61). Along with this, you should install a front mount intercooler, a fuel controller, fuel pulsation damper bypass and EGT gauge. This is assuming you have done all the BPU(TM) mods, plus BOV, EBC, Cam Gears. With tuning, and a few odds and ends, you should be able to pull 450-500 RWHP (490-580 crank HP) numbers while on a stock fuel system (assuming it is in great condition). This would be a total investment of approximately ,700-,500 in engine/electronic components (also includes the proper gauges). If you already have the BPU(TM) mods or FMIC, etc., you will spend less than this. The difference in prices reflects the cost of higher end parts and addition of a HKS VPC to replace the restrictive stock MAF.

The next level would require a completely upgraded fuel system, and performance cams would be recommended, as well as further electronics (programmable engine management such as the AEM, or VPC/GCC/ECU combo, etc.). This would allow you to run much larger turbos and injectors. You can make it past the 700RWHP range without needing to replace the internals of the motor with stronger components, even at these power levels, if properly tuned and maintained you should retain a fair amount of reliability while still on the stock internals, as some people have eclipsed the 800RWHP level while still running stock bottom ends in their Supras. If you choose to go ahead and build up the bottom end, then the skies are the limit as far as power goes. Just make sure to have part selection, installation, and tuning done by competent and experienced persons. Although this should hold true at ANY level of modification.

Should I install a Turbo Timer?

Absolutely. Unless you don't mind sitting in your car while it idles down every single time you need to turn the car off. A Turbo timer keeps the engine running for a preset time once you turn off the ignition. So you can remove your keys, and lock up the car and not have to worry about it, it will shut off on it's own. This is important for the life of the turbos. If the turbos are not given time to cool down, it can overheat the oil and cause coking which will block oil flow to the turbos and damage bearings and cook seals.

How much is the Supra's power output affected by changes in ambient temperatures?

Very noticeably, just as with most turbo cars, the Supra Twin Turbo can be very temperature sensitive. Especially with the stock turbos and intercooler. On a BPU(TM) car, I would not be surprised to see a 10 percent reduction between 50-60deg temperatures, and 90deg plus temperatures

Will the stock clutch hold the power levels of a BPU(TM) car?

It depends on the condition and wear on the stock clutch. If it is in good condition, yes, it will hold the power, pretty well in fact, although you may experience clutch slip while at full boost in high gears such as 5th and 6th. If you drive vigorously, meaning you run at high boost frequently, then the life of the stocker will be GREATLY shortened. Be surprised if you see an extra 10,000 miles after BPU(TM).

Can I resurface my flywheel when replacing the clutch?

It is not recommended. Buy a new Toyota Flywheel.

Can I install a lightweight flywheel?

Yes, but be aware that they can create a lot of noise at idle, and can transmit more vibrations and shock to the expensive Getrag transmission.

Why is pulling the TRAC fuse beneficial over just turning it off with the switch on the center console?

Just pushing the "Trac Off" button only partially disables the Trac system. It disables the Trac throttle body and TRAC funtion through the ABS System (on 93.5-96 only), but not the Trac system's ignition timing retard function. Unplugging the Trac fuse eliminates both functions, as well as the 155mph speed limiter, which works through the trac system. The fuse can be found in the main fuse box on the driver's side of the engine compartment. It must be noted that removing the fuse will cause the TRAC light to stay on, but you'll get used to it.

Will the TRAC system improve the cars performance?

NO. The Trac system was calibrated to improve traction in slippery conditions. It was not calibrated with performance in mind. When the Trac system senses a loss of traction, it comes on hard, cutting power drastically; this will do nothing but hurt performance. I also would not rely on the Trac system for providing stability at high speeds, if you were to loose control, it would be too slow and clumsy, and would more than likely hamper your efforts to regain control.

How can I remove the factory 155mph speed limiter?

Remove the fuse for the Trac system. The speed limiter works through the Trac throttle body.

What is the Supra TT's top speed with the Trac fuse removed?

There is some debate on this subject. There are rumors that 180 can be achieved. But by going with the numbers, 168-172mph in stock form seems possible.

What is the Supra TT's maximum theoretical top speed? Can it exceed 200mph with enough power?

Lets find out.

The Supra TT with the 6-speed has a stock engine redline of 6800rpm, and a 6th gear ratio of .79:1, with a rear axle ratio of 3.13:1. Now we multiply our 6th gear ratio times our rear axle ratio, and we find out our final gear ratio is 2.472:1. Now we divide 6800rpm by our total gear reduction of 2.472:1 and we find out our rear axles, and therefore wheels are spinning at 2751rpm at 6800 engine rpms.

Now we need to calculate our tire circumference. The rear tires section width it 255mm, and the sidewall's aspect ratio is .40, so our sidewalls are 102mm. Now, to convert this to inches, we divide this by 25.4, which equal's 4.015 inches. Now multiply this by two, since we have two sidewalls making up the total diameter, and add the wheel diameter of 17", and we see a total diameter of 25.031 inches. Now to find out our circumference, we multiply that number times pi (3.14), and we find out the circumference is 78.59 inches, now divide that by 12 to convert to feet. And we get 6.549 feet total circumference.

Now multiply our tire's revolving speed, by the tire's outside circumference, and we find that the tire is covering 18,016 feet per minute, divide that by the 5280 feet in a mile, and we find we are covering 3.412 miles per minute, now multiply that by the 60 minutes in an hour, and we find we are traveling 204.7miles per hour @ 6800rpm in 6th gear. If the engines redline is increased to 7500rpm, which it often is, because of a higher flowing turbo. Then our maximum speed would be 225.8mph, given enough power of course.

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DPF, What and Where Is It? How Does it Work? Should I Buy a DPF Delete Kit?

New Twelvemonth is golden with a Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews, real corking character and worst value of this quantify phase.

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This is a question we get a million times a day. Since 2007 all Dodge Cummins 6.7, Ford Powerstroke 6.4, and Chevy Duramax 6.6 trucks come from the factory equipped with a particulate filter to meet tougher emissions standards. A diesel particulate filter (DPF) is a device that traps the soot and unburnt fuel from diesel combustion. You may have noticed if you have one the 07+ diesel pickups that it never puts out any black smoke at all. The DPF will capture 90% or better of all harmful diesel emissions. Once the DPF has become "full" of soot, it will need to have a regeneration cycle in order to burn all the soot out. You may have noticed a light on your dash from time to time that alerts you that the DPF is in "regen" or "cleaning filter."

Basically what is happening during this process is that the engine's computer has decided from the information that it receives from the sensors installed in the exhaust that the DPF has filled up past it's acceptable limit. The computer then opens the EGR (exhaust recirulation valve) introducing hot exhaust into the intake to help get get exhaust gas temps higher and also injects a small shot of fuel into the cylinders when the exhaust valves are open. The raised exhaust temps and the small amount of fuel then burn out the particulate (soot) that the DPF has collected since it's last regen. Once the computer gets readings from the sensors in the exhaust that the filter is flowing an acceptable limit again, it ends the regen cycle. The frequency of this cleaning cycle is different from vehicle to vehicle depending on use, mileage, and engine condition.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Myths about the DPF system:

DPF, What and Where Is It? How Does it Work? Should I Buy a DPF Delete Kit?

1. The lines on the side of the exhaust are fuel lines that dump fuel directly into the filter and the other connections are glow or spark plugs that ignite the fuel to clean the filter.

Not at all. As I stated above, the fuel needed for cleaning the dpf is entered into the engine cylinders by route of the regular fuel injectors during the exhaust stroke of the engine. A small shot of fuel is pushed out with the rest of the exhaust gas. The metal lines everyone sees on the side of the DPF filter are for a pressure sensor that is usually attached to the side of the transmission or frame. They have the long metal tubes on them to get the temperature of the exhaust they are measuring down before it reaches the sensor. Again, I don't care what the tech at the dealership says about those lines, if he says they are fuel lines (which I hear all the time), he is an idiot and you should remove your truck from there as quickly as possible. The other wires you see going to the exhaust before and after the DPF filter are not spark or glow plugs. They are thermocouples that measure exhaust temperature. The computer uses exhaust temperature and pressure before, at, and after the dpf to measure how plugged the dpf is and when it's time to perform a regen.

2. I can just remove the DPF filter and put a piece of pipe in there.

Sorry, no. If you remove the DPF filter and make no adjustments to the engine's computer, it will enter either a limp mode or a constant state of regen. Simply put, all the sensors and the dpf have to be in perfect working order when running the stock vehicle's programming or else your truck will go haywire and you will not be able to drive it.

Common problems with the DPF system:

1. Poor Fuel economy - This is the number one complaint we get from customers who have trucks equipped with a DPF. Most customers who traded in their pre-07 diesel pickups have been completely unhappy with the lack of fuel mileage that used to enjoy. The average fuel economy we hear people report on the DPF equipped trucks is usually 12-14 mpg. Many of these folks traded in trucks that did 18-22 mpg and are completely disgusted.

2. Excessive regens - Many of our customers who use their trucks for work complain about very frequent regens that kill their fuel mileage and performance. Many customers who work outdoors in the winter were used to leaving their old diesels run all day while they were on the job site. The DPF equipped trucks don't handle this very well. The cooler idling temperature of the exhaust gas will soot up the DPF on an accelerated rate. It is not uncommon for these customers to be on their second or third filter change because the truck went into constant limp mode. The usually dealership response is: "You can't let these new trucks idle." Which goes over pretty well with guys who are stuck at a job site five miles back in the woods all day and the temperature never gets above ten degrees.

3. High replacement cost - If any of you have had to pay for a DPF replacement out of warranty, you probably had a heart attack when you got the bill. A replacement DPF (which isn't available aftermarket yet) runs roughly 00-00 for the just the filter alone. And hears the scary part. DPF life is estimated between 120,000 and 150,000 miles. If you plan on keeping your new diesel pickup for a few hundred thousand miles better start a DPF fund.

4. Restricts performance modifications - With the new diesel pickups, the potential for horsepower improvements is tremendous. We have taken all three brands of pickups to close to or over 500 rear wheel horsepower and 1000 ft/lbs of torque with just intake, exhaust, and programming modifications. Never has so much performance been so easy and affordable while still maintaining street manners. The only problem is anything past a small tow type tune will aggravate the particulate filter. Turning up the engine will produce more soot which will plug the dpf sooner causing more regens. Many customers who run a 100 horsepower program report very poor fuel mileage and constant regens.

What can be done to extend DPF life and limit regens?:

Since we are not allowed by law to remove the DPF system, we are stuck with it if you want to comply with Federal emissions and keep your truck legal. Here are a few tips to help mileage and DPF life:

1. Use the right fuel - It is absolutely crucial and necessary to use ultra low sulphur fuel in any vehicle equipped with a particulate filter. High amounts of sulfur in the fuel will plug the DPF immediately. We get lots of questions from farmers about the red fuel. As far as we know you can't buy high sulfur fuel commercially anymore. We have a refinery roughly ten minutes from the shop that refines diesel. Both fuels are exactly the same, their is just red dye added to the offroad fuel. It won't hurt anything to run the low sulphur red fuel. The other question we get asked is about additives. Our advice is to only run products that were made for diesel fuel. Power Service, K100, Standyne, and Flash Lube for example are brands that we see no problems running. DO NOT add any sort of homemade fixes. Adding a quart of saw oil, atf, or anything else probably isn't a good idea. It will burn dirty and may clog the dpf.

2. Use the proper engine oil - Make sure you are using an engine oil that is rated properly for your truck. Some engine oil gets burnt up in combustion no matter what. If you are running oil that is not formulated for a DPF equipped vehicle, it will soot up the filter sooner.

3. Keep idling to a minimum - Simply put, idling contributes to dpf problems. Period. Keeping the rpm's elevated during will help. Keeping idling to a minimum is best for these trucks.

4. Run it hard once in a while - Don't be afraid once in a while when going up a hill to matt the throttle for a few seconds. Running the truck hard and getting things nice and warm will help clear out soot deposits.

I want to remove the DPF. What can I do and what will be the benefits?

First thing, it is absolutely against the law to remove or disable any emissions device for any vehicle that is going to be operated on the public highways. If you decide you want to remove emissions equipment for any reason, it is solely up to you and your mechanic to decide what is safe and legal for your application. I do not condone nor advise removing the dpf or any other emissions device. All the examples I speak about below were tested off-road and the mileage tests were performed on our Superflow chassis dyno that simulate the load the truck has alone and when towing.

We have done some testing on all three brands of trucks to see what results could be achieved by removing the dpf filter system. There are many products available for off-road and competition use that will disable the dpf system. You have to run some sort of aftermarket device to disable the system or there will be problems when you remove the DPF. There are several options that will allow the removal of the DPF without any horsepower increase and also several options that will add up to 250 horsepower along with removing the DPF.

Here are the test trucks we have done controlled tests on our chassis dyno with:

Truck #1: 2007.5 Ford F-350 6.4 Powerstroke
Mods: S&B Cold Air Intake, Edge Race Evolution, DPF Delete pipe (rest factory exhaust)
Stock RWHP: 285
After Mods RWHP: 471
Average Mileage stock: 11.8 mpg
Average Mileage mods: 17.4 mpg

Notes: Very basic delete package. Overall mileage jumped 5.6 mpg on simulated highway driving. Horsepower levels range from 40HP increase to 185 hp increase on the EDGE Race Evolution. Stock air box would pull filter restriction gauge with clean factory filter on even lower levels. Air box upgrade a must for this package.

Truck #2: 2008 Dodge 3500 6.7 Cummins
Mods: Full 4" DPF and Cat delete exhaust, Flo-Pro DPF electronics package
Stock RWHP: 294
Mod RWHP: 311
Average Mileage Stock: 12.1 mpg
Average Mileage Mods: 18.9 mpg

Notes: We were really impressed with this package. The Flo-Pro electronics only disable the DPF system and add absolutely no horsepower. The free flowing exhaust showed some horsepower gains. Mileage test was simulated highway driving with a truck weight of 8700lbs. Great mileage gain of 6.8 over stock. Inexpensive delete package for off-road work trucks.

Truck #3: 2008 F-550 6.4 Powerstroke

Mods: DPF delete into dual 5" exhaust, S&B Cold Air Intake, Power Hungry Performance Gryphon programmer
Stock RWHP: 268
Mod RWHP: 447
Avg HWY Mileage Stock: 9.2 mpg
Avg HWY Mileage Mods: 17.3 mpg
Avg TOW mileage Stock: 6.4 mpg
Avg TOW mileage Mods: 14.2 mpg

Notes: This is a package that we put together to simulate the gains possible on one of the hard working trucks that tows alot. The horsepower increase was dramatic, but the mileage gains were tremendous. We simulated a truck weight of 11,500 lbs for the highway tests and a trailer weight of 12,000 lbs for the tow test. The highway mileage tests of the mods showed a 8.1 mpg gain while the towing test also showed an amazing 8 mpg gain.

Truck #4: 2009 Dodge 2500 Cummins 6.7
Mods: 5" straight DPF/Cat delete exhaust, S&B Cold Air Intake, H&S XRT programmer
Avg HWY mileage stock:14.6 mpg
Avg HWY mileage mods:21.2 mpg

Notes: We only did simulated hwy mileage tests on this truck. We just used the XRT programmer to remove the DPF functions from the computer and left the horsepower stock. The XRT has horsepower increase levels of 60, 120, 175 horsepower. It will also shut the egr system off as well.

Truck #5: 2008 Ford F-350 6.4 Powerstroke
Mods: 4" DPF delete pipe, 5" MBRP dpf back exhaust, S&B cold air intake, Innovative Diesel custom tuned SCT Livewire
Stock RWHP:289
Mod RWHP: 536
Stock MPG: 11.6 mpg
Mod MPG: 17.4 mpg

Notes: This truck was an animal! The custom tunes were some of the smoothest shifting of any of the options we have tried and the power was crazy. There was a 247 rear wheel horsepower increase over stock on the highest level and the rear wheel torque was over 1000 ft/lbs! You would think there would be a serious drop in the mileage department, but we were surprised to see the truck gain nearly 6 mpg at even this horsepower level.

In conclusion, if you are looking for some serious horsepower for the drag strip or the pulling track, these new common rail diesels make serious horsepower with very little modification once the dpf is out of the way. Also, if you only operated your truck off-road there are some extremely impressive fuel economy gains to be had by removing the dpf filter. It is really too bad that we couldn't run the trucks on public roads with the dpf removed. We truly would have incredibly powerful trucks that get great mileage and have wonderful street manners.

Thanks for reading,
John Anderson

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Tire Air Pressure Gauge - Which One?

New Twelvemonth is glorious with a Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews, real gracious propertied and worst terms of this dimension .

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A tire pressure gauge is important for any car. You're always going to want to make sure that your tire are properly inflated. If your tires aren't properly inflated, you're soon going to find out that you could be in potential danger. The last thing that you want to happen is being on the verge of having a flat tire, traveling down the freeway, and finding out that your tires are about to burn out.

A tire pressure gauge seems like a simple purchase and while it is, there are a few things to consider, and this is why I would recommend that you purchase one online.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

#1 How accurate is it? Most gauges will advertise right online on how accurate they are. The digital ones are my favorite because I'm able to see exactly what the pressure is. With an older fashioned one, you're going to have to guesstimate on how much air is in your tires. While they both give you a great idea, know which one you want.

Tire Air Pressure Gauge - Which One?

#2 Digital vs. Non-Digital: This brings me to my next point. Both of them have their pros and cons. Make sure that you look into each one and see which one will work out for you. Again, I like the digital based on the fact that it's fairly accurate.

#3 Reviews: The Internet is loaded with reviews and while there will always be negative reviews, you will want to look at both sides of the story. People aren't going to go out of their way to post good things most of the time.

#4 Your budget: A good gauge will only cost you around and should never set you back more than . If you're spending more than that, you may want to look into a different store, because I think you're getting ripped off on that one!

There are a lot of brands that I like. Check into popular brands such as Accutire, Moroso, Auto Meter, and Slime. They all have their own brands and models, while each one has it's own style and design. Look at all of them and see which one is going to best suit you.

What I would do is set aside 5 that you like, compare them and see which one you like the most. You don't want to just go by design, but rather what its going to do for you and your car.

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Digital Tire Gauge - How to Get the Most Accurate Readings

The festival comes to discounting the period "Christmas holiday & Cyber Monday sale" Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews that you've been for arrived.

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At present, there are two kinds of tire pressure gauges available in the market: digital, and analog. You've probably seen both at your local mechanic's or the nearby gas station. The analog pressure gauge usually has a round face with a needle that indicates the pressure in the tire, while the digital one has an LCD screen to do the same.

As a rule of the thumb, a digital tire gauge trumps the analog pressure gauge when it comes to accuracy. The analog pressure gauges, in fact, are quite worthless when it comes to properly calibrating your tire pressure, with the indicating needle flying all over the place. If its accuracy you are looking for, a digital pressure gauge is the way to go.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

However, one must keep in mind that the actual air pressure inside a tire can vary wildly depending on the time and weather conditions. Remember that air expands when it warms up. Therefore, in hot weather conditions, or when the car has been in use for some time, the tire heats up. This causes the air inside it to expand, increasing the tire pressure. Consequently, this can lead to varying readings.

Digital Tire Gauge - How to Get the Most Accurate Readings

The air pressure that car companies recommend to you is the "cold" air pressure. This is the pressure when the tire is cool, and the air inside settled. Therefore, whenever you decide to measure your tire pressure, make sure you do so in cool weather when the car has been sitting idle for some time. Mornings, before the sun comes out, would be an ideal time to do so.

Along with the time and weather conditions, faulty equipment can be another reason for inaccurate pressure readings. Analog pressure gauges can be off by as much as 5-10 psi, not to mention how difficult it is to actually see the readings on them. Digital tire gauges, on the other hand, have an error range of just +-0.05 psi over 5-150 psi. Therefore, these are a whole lot more accurate and a must investment if you are interested in keeping your car's tire pressure at an optimum range to increase fuel efficiency, performance, and your tires lifespan.

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Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

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Back again. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews for Americans in particular.

A low pressure tire gauge is ideal for those that are looking to measure the PSI in items such as a lawn mower, ATV, or even your bicycle. They are designed for lower readings, and really aren't meant for an automotive reading.

The reason that you're going to want to look for something like this is because you're going to want to get a lower reading on the tire pressure. Since small items like lawn mowers and others don't give a high reading like a car tire, it's essential that you get as close of a reading that you can.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Listed below are a few gauges that you will want to look into, when you're ready to make a purchase...

Low Pressure Tire Gauge - The Best Ones

#1 Slime 20096: The Slime series make some great tire gauges. What you're going to find with this one is that it's the highest rated one on many e-commerce sites. It's going to set you back around and reads the PSI in.5LB increments.

#2 Tru-Flate Low Pressure: This one is very compact and is going to set you back about to . It's designed solely for things such as your ATV, lawn mower, and other little items. This can measure in the range of 1 - 20 pounds.

#3 ARB Off Road: If you want something that's going to cost a little more, this low pressure gauge is going to give you a fairly accurate reading. While it's a little bigger than most of the other gauges on the market, you should be pleasantly surprised with this model.

#4 Milton S917: This one is compact, small, and it's one of the cheapest ones on the market! It's going to cost you around and what you're going to find out is that many other people like it. It measure up to 120 PSI in 2 lb increments.

#5 Tusk Key Chain: If you want one that's always on your key chain, this is one to consider. This is great for when you're on the go and you always want to make sure that your small items are filled with air. It's about and while it's not that accurate, it's a great thing to keep on your key chain just in case.

There really aren't that many low pressure gauges out there. They all technically do the same job. Look into the size, the reviews, as well as the price. This should give you a good enough idea on what you're going to spend.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews No URL

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

See Also : Cheap Dimond Rings Most Accurate Tyre Pressure Gauge

Back again. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews for Americans in particular.

Having low pressure with your car tires is never good and if you're looking to have a tire gauge handy in your car, you're going to soon find out that there are a lot of them out there! If you don't already have one in your car, or maybe you're going to want to upgrade, I wanted to show you a few that you should look into, when you're ready to make a purchase.

Before we set forward and I show you which ones that you should look into, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when you're ready to buy one.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

#1 Price - Tire gauges should never cost you more than . If you want a good one that's going to be accurate, you will want to get one that's a little on the expensive side.

Best Tire Pressure Gauge

#2 Reviews - Make sure that other auto owners are liking what they have. You don't want to purchase something and find out that it's not working for you.

#3 Is it accurate? You want to get a tire gauge that's accurate. Never assume that you're going to get something that's going to be accurate all the time. You may find that the digital ones will give you more problems than you can handle.

In today's market, there are a few that you can choose from and those are your digital based ones, as well as your normal pressured based ones. It's your duty to find which one is going to work the best for you.

Listed below are a few gauges that you will want to look into.

Accutire MS-4021B - No matter where you look, you're going to find that this is by far one of the best ones on the market. It has a high rating, it isn't that much money, and you're going to find that it is fairly accurate. It's also fairly easy to stock away in your car's glove box.

Moroso 89560: This is an older fashioned based one, but it's going to give you great results. It's durable, it has a high rating, and it can measure up to 60 psi.

Auto Meter 2343: This is the last one on my list. This is a fairly small, yet simple meter. Just place it in the tire and you get your readings. It's not that hard!

Check out a few of these tire pressure gauges and see if they work the best for you!

Best Tire Pressure Gauge No URL

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

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Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Moroso 89560 Tire Pressure Gauge, Dial Type, 0-60 psi

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Accutire Digital Tire Gauges - Two Top Selling Digital Tire Guages

The Accutire Digital Tire Gauge, MS-4021B, has been an top 100 seller in the automotive category for over 2000 days, or over 5 years straight! The Accutire Progammable Digital Tire Gauge, model MS-4350B, has been an top seller for just under 5 years straight!

Why do the Accutire gauges out-sell the competition year after year?

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Accutire Digital Tire Gauge, MS-4021B

Accutire Digital Tire Gauges - Two Top Selling Digital Tire Guages

Accuracy: The Accutire MS4021B gauge measures air pressure from 5 to 150 PSI with 0.05 PSI accuracy.

Heavy Duty Construction: This gauge features heavy-duty construction to hold up whether you store it in your tool box or your glove compartment.
Comfortable use in any environment: The gauge's easy-grip, rubber-coated handle and angled head make the Accutire MS-4021B comfortable to use in any environment.

Large, easy to read LCD display: The Accutire's LCD display is large and easy to read, and displays pressure readings in 0.5-pound increments.

Automatic shut-off: The MS-4021B is also equipped with automatic shut-off functionality to preserve battery life.

Customers give this Accutire gauge high reviews praising the amazingly easy to read display and simplicity of use.

Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge, model MS-4350B

Accuracy: This programmable gauge measures PSI from 5-99 pounds in 0.5-pound units, and includes the patent-protected "Set Point" programmable feature which allows for recording the factory-recommended tire pressure for both front and rear tires.

White LED flashlight: The gauge's white LED flashlight makes checking tire pressure at night or in the garage a cinch.

Ergonomic style and easy to read LCD screen: Accutire's programmable gauge features an easy-to-use, multi-featured gauge with an extra large, blue, backlit LCD screen and ergonomic styling.

Other helpful features: This gauge features an audible pressure signal and auto off.

Warranty: Accutire features a generous five-year manufacturer warranty.

Customer reviews praise the precision and ease of use of this programmable gauge.

Accutire Digital Tire Gauges - Two Top Selling Digital Tire Guages No URL

See Also : Cheap Dimond Rings Tyre Pressure Gauge Accuracy

Scooters are like bicycles. They have the same step-through type of architectural design. But rather than pedalling, you just rest your feet on its platform and its motor will take you to places you want to go.

This is a bit different from motorcycle. The platform is one differential point. Another difference is the type of tire that is used. In scooters, the tires used are much smaller. You have to be more careful in driving this at a fast speed as this is more susceptible to bumps and road cracks which might cause flat tires. You also have to consider the right way of inflating it to get just the right air pressure inside to make the tire last longer.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Here is how you can inflate it effectively:

How to Inflate a Scooter Tire

Step 1: Make sure your scooter is stationary in a flat surface so you can have better access to the valve. The valve stems has to be close to the ground so you can put the air hose better.

Step 2: Remove the valve stem caps first. You need to inflate it in the recommended PSI. You can check this information on the side walls of the tire. It has a number and the unit PSI on it. If you cannot find it there or the figures have already worn out, you can refer to the manual that came with the scooter.

You do not necessarily have to follow the recommended PSI level but just use it as a guide. If it the recommended PSI says 44 PSI, you can inflate the tire up to this but if you want one with better road grip, you can inflate it 4-5 PSI lower than that.

Step 3: Attach the air compressor to the valve and wait until it has already efficiently inflated the tire. You can check the pressure by using a pressure gauge. Some compressors have this however, it is advisable to use a different pressure gauge as often times, the built in gauge in compressors are not calibrated so they will not produce accurate results.

Step 4: Once done, put the valve cap back on the tire again. Secure it tightly.

Give the scooter a little test. Sometimes, you need to experiment on the right PSI level to check the best one for you. Just make sure you stick closely to the recommended one and never go beyond it as it may cause the tire to burst.

How to Inflate a Scooter Tire No URL

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Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Top 10 Car Digital Tire Pressure Gauges Video Clips. Duration : 1.62 Mins. 01...Slime 20049 Brass 5-60 PSI Digital Gauge 02...Accutire MS-5515 Truck and RV Digital Tire Gauge with LED Light and Bleed Button 03...Michelin MN-4606B Dual Head Digital Tire Gauge 04...AAA 4346AAA Digital Tire Gauge 05....8-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge 06...Slime 22013 5-50 PSI Pencil Gauge with Bonus Caps 07...Slime 2010-A 10-50 PSI Keychain Pencil Gauge 08....Accu-Gage DT150 Heavy Duty Digital Tire Gauge 5-150 PSI 09...Tire Minder TMMKDS-032-4 Safety Pressure Indicator Kit 30-33 PSI 10...Slime 20048 5-60 PSI Tire Gauge

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Recommend : Cheap Dimond Rings Roadgear Digital Tire Gauge

If you're looking to get a tire gauge online, but you have no idea on which ones are the best, I went ahead and did a little review for the top 3 gauges online. As you can see, each one is going to vary on prices, as well as the features that are going to be included.

Michelin 12279 Digital Programmable Tire Gauge is a fast and user-friendly device which allows you to set your intended front and rear tire pressure for a speedy comparison. Because of its large digital display it shows a clear and precise pressure reading, that has 0.1 PSI resolution for accurate inflation. Its White LED which contains flashlight makes it useful at night that also comes in storage pouch. Not only it works excellently and performs exceptionally well of displaying the accurate tire pressure, but it also comes with a good quality case and a rubberized soft grip and die cast rugged housing. Its dimensions are 18 x 6 x 6 inches and weigh only 1 pound. It will not cost you much because it is only about .99. Moroso 89560 Tire Pressure Gauge, Dial Type, 0-60 PSI is extremely accurate that is why this is the air pressure gauge best for racers. It has a button on its side for giving off the pressure so it does not have to hold it in after it is used. It is individually calibrated for precision within 2%. It has a 2 - 5/7" diameter dial face for trouble-free reading, and a 15 - 1/2" hose with a finger operated air-bleed valve that can turn round 360° for positive valve stem attachment. It weighs 6.8 pounds, and is a bit pricey about .99. Viair 90056 2.0" Gauge (0-35 PSI) Tire Gauge with Bleeder Valve shows precise air down pressure adjustments. It has 0-35 PSI white gauge face that is only 2.0 inch, and a twist on tire valve stem adjustment. This is the ideal air pressure gauge for those who do not want to use non-rechargeable batteries for long lasting usage. You can also reset the previous air pressure of the tire by pressing the relief or releasing the valve. It comes in very handy, and it has a large easy to read scale. It is in very reasonable price too, because it only costs .95.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Best Tire Gauges and Reviews Best Tire Gauges and Reviews
Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Top 10 Car Digital Tire Pressure Gauges Tube. Duration : 1.62 Mins. 01...Slime 20049 Brass 5-60 PSI Digital Gauge 02...Accutire MS-5515 Truck and RV Digital Tire Gauge with LED Light and Bleed Button 03...Michelin MN-4606B Dual Head Digital Tire Gauge 04...AAA 4346AAA Digital Tire Gauge 05....8-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge 06...Slime 22013 5-50 PSI Pencil Gauge with Bonus Caps 07...Slime 2010-A 10-50 PSI Keychain Pencil Gauge 08....Accu-Gage DT150 Heavy Duty Digital Tire Gauge 5-150 PSI 09...Tire Minder TMMKDS-032-4 Safety Pressure Indicator Kit 30-33 PSI 10...Slime 20048 5-60 PSI Tire Gauge

Keywords: digital tire pressure gauge, digital tire pressure gauges, how to check tire pressure, tire pressure gauge, tire pressure gauges, tire pressure gauge review, best tire pressure gauge, accurate tire pressure gauge, digital pressure gauge No URL

Visit : Cheap Dimond Rings Tyre Pressure Gauge Accuracy

A tire inflator has many purposes, and it's great for more than just pumping up your tires when they get low. From pumping up a basketball, or your bike tires, you have to think outside of the box when you're thinking about buying one. When you're considering buying a tire inflator, I wanted to show you some pointers on how you can pick out the right one.

Price: Never just go with the cheapest one, because you're obviously going to get what you pay for. Instead, look at the ones that are in-between. I wouldn't go too high, and I wouldn't go too low.

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Look at reviews: Anytime I buy a product, I always look for reviews online, and I never buy from a place that doesn't have a good review. The same should go with a tire inflator. You'll want to make sure that the inflator has a good review. A good place to find these reviews is on websites like Amazon.

Tire Inflator With Gauge

Warranty: I love getting products with warranties, and no matter what I buy, I want something that's going to last. Check and see if the product you're buying is going to have a warranty. This way, if something does go bad, you can always return it.

Try some of these tips, and tricks when you're looking for a good tire inflator. With so many inflators on the market, you can try some of these tips, and you can narrow it down to the one you truly want, and like.

Tire Inflator With Gauge
Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Top 10 Car Digital Tire Pressure Gauges Video Clips. Duration : 1.62 Mins. 01...Slime 20049 Brass 5-60 PSI Digital Gauge 02...Accutire MS-5515 Truck and RV Digital Tire Gauge with LED Light and Bleed Button 03...Michelin MN-4606B Dual Head Digital Tire Gauge 04...AAA 4346AAA Digital Tire Gauge 05....8-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge 06...Slime 22013 5-50 PSI Pencil Gauge with Bonus Caps 07...Slime 2010-A 10-50 PSI Keychain Pencil Gauge 08....Accu-Gage DT150 Heavy Duty Digital Tire Gauge 5-150 PSI 09...Tire Minder TMMKDS-032-4 Safety Pressure Indicator Kit 30-33 PSI 10...Slime 20048 5-60 PSI Tire Gauge

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Tags : Cheap Dimond Rings Nitrogen Inflator

Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge Review

The Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge has the following features and product details:

Reads 5-99 PSI in 0.5 pound units Programmable to allow recording of factory-recommended tire pressure for both front and rear tires Extra large, blue, backlit LCD screen for easy viewing Features ergonomic "easy grip" shape Comes with five-year manufacturer warranty Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 1 inches ; 4.3 ounces Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

The Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge are easy to use and works accurately. It allows the user to save a lot of money and fuel pump, and you get a better mileage over time.

Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge Review

There are a variety of models which you can choose from, but each one is very good on its own. And it has a 5-year manufacturing warranty so you don't have to worry about quality.

There are basically five reasons why this product is good. First of all, it's very easy to hold. It has an easy grip. Second of all, there is a LED light that can be activated by a big round button on the back. Thirdly, the numbers are large on the screen and it's backlit. Fourth, and which I think is one of the best, you don't have to turn it on or off. You just push the nozzle into the valve and after about 15 seconds it automatically displays the measurement. And fifth, it lets you know when an  accurate reading is taken by beeping.

But the best thing about the Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge is that it's very accurate for both front and rear tires.

Accutire Programmable Digital Tire Gauge Review
Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Top 10 Car Digital Tire Pressure Gauges Video Clips. Duration : 1.62 Mins. 01...Slime 20049 Brass 5-60 PSI Digital Gauge 02...Accutire MS-5515 Truck and RV Digital Tire Gauge with LED Light and Bleed Button 03...Michelin MN-4606B Dual Head Digital Tire Gauge 04...AAA 4346AAA Digital Tire Gauge 05....8-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge 06...Slime 22013 5-50 PSI Pencil Gauge with Bonus Caps 07...Slime 2010-A 10-50 PSI Keychain Pencil Gauge 08....Accu-Gage DT150 Heavy Duty Digital Tire Gauge 5-150 PSI 09...Tire Minder TMMKDS-032-4 Safety Pressure Indicator Kit 30-33 PSI 10...Slime 20048 5-60 PSI Tire Gauge

Keywords: digital tire pressure gauge, digital tire pressure gauges, how to check tire pressure, tire pressure gauge, tire pressure gauges, tire pressure gauge review, best tire pressure gauge, accurate tire pressure gauge, digital pressure gauge No URL

Friends Link : Cheap Dimond Rings Accutire Racing Gauge

Top 5 Tire Pressure Gauges

Shopping for a new tire gauge shouldn't be hard, but it's only going to be hard, when you don't know where to look. In order to make things easier for you, I created a quick top 5 list that you can use for your own research. How did I come up with the top 5? Well, I took a few things into consideration and those things were...

*The Reviews
*The Price
*The Features
*How Accurate it is

Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews

Listed below are the top 5 that I highly recommend that you check out...

Top 5 Tire Pressure Gauges

#1 Accutire MS-4350B: This one is one of the best rated gauges on the market. It's going to run you anywhere from to .

#2 Accutire MS-4021B: Another highly rated gauge. You're going to find that he Accutire brand creates some pretty great products! This one is around .

#3 Moros 89560: The first 2 were digital. This one is your typical dial type. It's a little more in cost, but you're going to get what you pay for. It's durable and highly accurate.

#4 Neiko Professional Brand: If you're into racing, or you're really into your cars and you want to make sure everything is right, this is the brand for you. It's around , but it's going to set the bar above the rest.

#5 Auto Meter 2343: This is the last one on the list. Another dial type, but has nice reviews, it's accurate, and it's really easy to store away in your car, because of it's smaller size.

Top 5 Tire Pressure Gauges
Tire Pressure Gauges Reviews
Top 10 Car Digital Tire Pressure Gauges Video Clips. Duration : 1.62 Mins. 01...Slime 20049 Brass 5-60 PSI Digital Gauge 02...Accutire MS-5515 Truck and RV Digital Tire Gauge with LED Light and Bleed Button 03...Michelin MN-4606B Dual Head Digital Tire Gauge 04...AAA 4346AAA Digital Tire Gauge 05....8-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge 06...Slime 22013 5-50 PSI Pencil Gauge with Bonus Caps 07...Slime 2010-A 10-50 PSI Keychain Pencil Gauge 08....Accu-Gage DT150 Heavy Duty Digital Tire Gauge 5-150 PSI 09...Tire Minder TMMKDS-032-4 Safety Pressure Indicator Kit 30-33 PSI 10...Slime 20048 5-60 PSI Tire Gauge

Keywords: digital tire pressure gauge, digital tire pressure gauges, how to check tire pressure, tire pressure gauge, tire pressure gauges, tire pressure gauge review, best tire pressure gauge, accurate tire pressure gauge, digital pressure gauge No URL

Recommend : Cheap Dimond Rings Accutire Racing Gauge Tyre Pressure Gauges Accuracy